Let's Travel Baby!
Do you want to see the world, but don't have the luxury pockets to do so? With this podcast, I am here to give YOU my best insight tips and experience to show you how to travel within your realistic budget! Within three years of being a full-time college student, I have traveled to over 12 countries (visiting most twice), all within a friendly $1,000 budget... yes even my ticket included. Get ready baby, let's travel. Questions? Reach me through my Instagram (catieeelala)
Let's Travel Baby!
The Dreams that Showed Me I was Being Cheated On - Personal Astral Projection Stories
Season 1
Episode 16
Hi! In today's episode I will be telling you my crazy astral projection stories!
Here are three of the stories (with time stamps) I reference in this episode:
- The dreams that told me I was being cheated on: 2:01
- When I visited a taken guy in his DREAMS and caused him to cheat on her: 7:53
- When I communicated with an ex in my dreams: 16:31
Material I mentioned:
- Astral Projection Defintion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astral_projection
- Albert Einstein's "Quantum Entanglement" or "spooky at a distance": https://www.livescience.com/what-is-quantum-entanglement.html
Social Media ⇣
Instagram: catieeelala